Thursday, May 12, 2011

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Our company specializes in planning and operating Costa Rica vacations and student travel programs that will bring you to some of Costa Rica's most pristine areas and surround you with nature from start to finish. We operate our own tours and we are experts on the environment of Costa Rica. We have a very strong commitment to conservation. We want to make each Costa Rica vacation or student program an educational experience that will bring each traveler into contact with nature. We understand that the more we know about the environment the more we will protect it. Through education, ecotourism, and immersion in nature we hope to build a better understanding of the natural world around us and the physical and economic value it holds for all of mankind.

Our natural resources on planet Earth are valued at $33 trillion dollars a year. All of the nations of the planet combined only make half of this each year. It is on our trips that we hope to take each adventure eco-tourist on a journey of not only fun and adventure but also through an understanding of how everyone can do their part to make the tropics all over the world last for our grandkids to see.  All of our trips are privately operated and customized to your choice of itinerary. Through our trips we hope to show you the amazing wonders of Costa Rica and this tropical paradise and give you a front row seat for a show you will never forget where we present nature on one of her finest stages, Costa Rica.



We specialize in Costa Rica vacations and Costa Rica student travel. The name Costa Rica is becoming popular among travelers and people are starting to realize that Costa Rica is not an island. We started CRRTravel to show off some of the most interesting sites Costa Rica has to offer and make them as educational as possible. With ourstudent travel programs and family vacations throughout Costa Rica, we make an effort to put together personalized and privately operated trips to fit each traveler’s needs. A Costa Rica vacation is a very difficult vacation to plan because there is so much to do in such a short period of time. Unless you have one year free, you better look closely when planning your family vacation and make sure the package fits your style of traveling. Our company has many years of experience planning family vacations. After filling out our custom trip form, we have a good idea of what you and your children would want in a Costa Rican vacation. We have spent many years surveying families and children of all ages and sizes to find out what they like, whether it is the adventure tour, nature hikes, or beaches that fit their family needs.

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